Cloud Web Hosting Clarified
Cloud web hosting is a very fashionable expression now. However, not many understand what it does really represent. The bulk of the web hosting merchandisers speculate strongly about packages portrayed as being 'cloud hosting'. Mainly the cPanel website hosting and cPanel reseller hosting merchants. Because of the complete deficiency of novel marketing ideas, the cPanel web hosts are plainly using fashionable expressions, trying to attract more web hosting customers with artful marketing techniques.
cPanel - a single server web hosting solution
In short, cPanel is a one server web hosting platform. A single web server serves all web hosting services concurrently. On the other hand, the cloud web hosting platform requests each different hosting service, like data storage, email, File Transfer Protocol, databases, DNS, statistics, web hosting CP, backup, etc. to be served by separate piles of very advanced web servers in a cluster. All the clusters construct the so called 'cloud'. With cPanel, the aforementioned hosting services are all being served concurrently by a single web server. All this goes to say that no 'clouds' can be seen around cPanel-based web hosting traders. Not even one cloud...
The massive marketing hoax with cloud web hosting services
Be cautious with the countless dishonest statements guaranteeing you 'cloud hosting' solutions, mainly spread by cPanel hosting providers. When a cPanel web hosting retailer contentedly alleges that a 'cloud' web hosting service is being proffered, examine if it's not a mist or a fog to start with. Nearly everybody toys with the word 'cloud', ultimately relying on the circumstance that the bulk of the customers do not realize what it does really stand for.
Let's be more positive and return to the authentic cloud web hosting services.
Hepsia - a cloud web hosting CP solution
Hepsia is a revolutionary cloud web hosting platform coupled with a powerful user-friendly web hosting Control Panel. Both, the cloud web hosting platform and the respective web hosting CP are made by - a well-known reseller web hosting merchant from 2003. Regrettably, it's an indeed unusual thing to discover a web hosting supplier furnishing a cloud web hosting platform on the market. For unknown reasons, Google prefers cPanel-based web hosting suppliers chiefly. That is the reason why we believe it's commendable for people who need a website hosting platform to be a little bit more aware of the Hepsia cloud website hosting platform.
Hepsia - the multi-server cloud web hosting environment
Each website hosting service bead in Hepsia's 'cloud' is tackled by an independent group of web servers, dedicated only to the specific service at hand, sharing out the load generated. Accordingly, the website hosting Control Panel is being handled by one single stack of web servers, which serve the hosting CP exclusively and nothing apart from it. There is another pack of servers for the mail, one more for the disk space, another for the backup, one more for the statistics, another for the MySQL databases, one more for the PostgreSQL databases, etc. All these packs of servers function as one whole website hosting service, the so-called 'cloud web hosting' service.
Cloud web hosting services with WebRunner Domains
We have picked Hepsia as our main hosting platform, so that we can offer top cloud web hosting services to our clients. Each of our web hosting offers comes with the Hepsia website hosting Control Panel and all of it's free bonuses. But don't take our word for it, you can go find out for yourself in the control panel demo.
Business | Corporate | Enterprise | WebRunner Plan |
Unlimited storage | Unlimited storage | Unlimited storage | 15 GB storage |
Unlimited bandwidth | Unlimited bandwidth | Unlimited bandwidth | 4 GB bandwidth |
5 websites hosted | Unlimited websites hosted | Unlimited websites hosted | 10 websites hosted |
30-Day Free Trial | 30-Day Free Trial | 30-Day Free Trial | 30-Day Free Trial |
$7.16 / month | $11.32 / month | $16.32 / month | $9.31 / month |